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What about AWS AppConfig? Isn't it it designed for application config management?#

Yes! AWS AppConfig is a new AWS tool that sits on top of AWS ParameterStore and supports automated config rollouts, rollbacks, and different deployment strategies. AppConfig is totally compatible with Figgy since it uses ParameterStore as its configuration backend.

Figgy and AWS AppConfig perform different duties. Figgy is designed to help you maintain your application config tree and avoid common mistakes in config management pre-deployment. AppConfig kicks-in after or during your deployment.

What about AWS Secrets Manager? Isn't it designed for managing secrets like Figgy?#

Yup! AWS Secrets manager has some added functionality allow automated rotation of secrets. Like AWS AppConfig, AWS Secrets Manager is also built on top of ParameterStore and as such is completely compatible with Figgy.

What about Kubernetes?#

Figgy is independent but compatible with AWS K8s deployments and offers some distinct advantages over ConfigMaps and K8s Secrets.

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Why does Figgy need access to my laptop keychain?#

Figgy only needs access to the figgy namespace of your laptop keychain. Figgy does not have access to any other secrets stored in the keychain. When Figgy is deployed in one of its SSO configurations it will store your SSO password in your laptop keychain for safe keeping. Instead of having to type in your user, password, and MFA every single day when you log in to Figgy, Figgy can pull your password from your keychain on your behalf to save you the keystrokes.

What metrics am I opting into sharing with Figgy?#

In order to provide the best Figgy experience, users can optionally enable anonymous usage data collection. This is entirely optional and can be defaulted to off.

The following data is collected:

  • Current installed Figgy version
  • Command types run: [get, put, delete, sync, etc], and the # of times each command has been run.
  • A random GUUID associated with your user. No personal data is collected.
  • Platform used [Windows / Linux / MacOs]

The data is cached in a file at this location: ~/.figgy/cache/other/usage-metrics-cache.json. Feel free to take a look. The data is occasionally reported to

You can find the code for usage tracking here: Anonymous Usage Tracking