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Manage & Share Secrets

Manage & Share Secrets#

If you're a secret owner and want to securely store a secret then you've come to the right place.

Depending on your role, the commands you execute may slightly differ. For instance, in this example I will be demonstrating storing and sharing a secret as the "DBA" role.

Step 1: Store the secret#

In our example, we have a Database Administrator, Steve, who needs to securely store a DB User & Password with Figgy.

First, Steve will will need to securely store and encrypt his secret with Figgy.

    figgy config put --env prod

Sweet! Steve has now successfully stored a secret in ParameterStore!

Step 2: Share the secret#

In the previous step our DBA Steve stored the secret: /dba/secrets/mysql/shared/data-changer/password

Now we want to share it with the data-changer service without handing it directly to the person who owns the data-changer. The fewer people who know this secret the better!

    figgy config share --env prod

We can verify the secret was successfully shared with the get command. You will notice that this secret cannot be decrypted by the user. This secret may only be decrypted by the application using this secret, or a super-admin who has been granted access to the Replication Key.

Managing secrets at scale#

The above example works fine for small and simple use-cases; however, as the number of secrets you need to manage grows, as does the complexity of remembering what secrets exist in which environments, and who is using them.

To simplify managing this process, Figgy supports declarative secret management by secret owners. Secret owners can write JSON configuration file that define what the secrets are that they own, and where they need to be shared. Then may then run the sync command with the --replication-only flag to configure the secret and the share.

By following this pattern, it's easy to manage the creation & sharing of a secret across many environments.

Here is a sample configuration:

  "replicate_figs": {
    "/dba/secrets/mysql/shared/data-changer/user": "/app/data-changer/replicated/secrets/mysql/user",
    "/dba/secrets/mysql/shared/data-changer/password" : "/app/data-changer/replicated/secrets/mysql/password"

As you can see, this replication config declaratively defines what secrets need to be created & shared for the data-changer service.

Now our DBA user can simply use the sync command, like this:

figgy config sync --env dev --config data-changer.json --replication-only

This will prompt them to store & share these secrets in the dev environment. They can then follow up and do it again in the stage environment.

figgy config sync --env stage --config data-changer.json --replication-only

And so on for every higher environment. This expands on the declarative design of managing configurations.