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Rotate Secrets

Rotating Secrets#

One advantage of cutting out the middle-man when sharing secrets (See: Config Replication) is empowering secret-owners to rotate secrets on their own time and without having to involve application owners.

For instance, suppose our DBA, Karen, wants to safely rotate some high power mongo credentials owned by the message-processor service account. If following best practicies, the message-processor application will only have access to the /app/message-processor namespace. Typically DBAs like Karen would not and should not need direct access to this application namespace as these credentials would be shared with the message-processor from their secure location in Karen's DBA namespace.

So for clarity, Karen maintains the credentials here:


And through Config Replication, these credentials have been shared here:


The message-processor is actively using these credentials so we cannot disable the old credentials. To perform a safe swap we'll want to perform the equivalent of a 'blue/green' credential rotation.

Suppose the currently active user is:

message-processor-blue : p@ssW0rd!1

Now Karen creates new set of credentials with identical permissions as the above set:

message-processor-green: N3wp@ssW0rd1!

Both of these users now exist with identical permissions. Karen then replaces the user & password in its source location:


This will trigger automatic replication to the config destination. That might be all that is necessary; however, in most cases services do not auto-reload their configurations after initial bootstrap. Karen would then need to trgger a redeploy of the message-processor service. Once the new deploy has successfully rolled-out, Karen can safely deactivate message-processor-blue.

Done! No developer involvement necessary (though a quick Slack message would probably be appreciated).

As you might imagine, this process is very easy to automate.