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Figgy CLI

The FiggyCLI can walk the user through configuration with the Configure command. This is great for many use-cases but may not be ideal when distributing Figgy across your organization. Below you will find a reference file for auto-configuring the FiggyCLI for users. Users will still need to run figgy --configure to setup Figgy on their local machine to select some user-specific options.

Distributing Figgy#

If you are rolling Figgy out across an organization it might be easiest to auto-configure some sane defaults for users. Sane defaults can be written to the figgy defaults file: ~/.figgy/config. When users run figgy --configure they will have the option to keep or overwrite any defaults in this file. Without this defaults file users will be prompted to manually enter all configurations required by your selected Figgy Cloud installation below:

All configs listed below are optional. Feel free to remove items irrelevant to your deployment.

File: ~/.figgy/config

mfa_enabled = true
auto_mfa = false
colors_enabled = true
report_errors = true
aws_region = us-east-1

app_link =
factor_type = GOOGLE

identity_provider_id = N0tre9le3
service_provider_id = 12345678010

profile = bastion-sandbox-devops

Figgy Config Options#



Enables MFA for this user and will prompt them to enter an MFA code when authenticating. The type of MFA varies depending on sign-on integration. For instance, Google Admin Console integrations support SMS MFA, virtual MFA, or captchas.


Figgy can automatically generate multi-factor codes on the user's behalf rather than prompting the user to input them manually. If auto_mfa is set to true, when the user runs figgy --configure they will be prompted to input their MFA secret. The MFA secret will be stored securely in their OS keychain and will be tapped and used for one-time password code generation.


Enable / Disable colors in the FiggyCLI. For Windows installations you will typically set this to false.


Figgy will never report errors without first showing the user the full stack trace to be reported and prompting them to continue. Please enable report_errors, it enables the Figgy team to quickly and efficiently address and patch bugs.


At this time Figgy can only target one region at a time. Figgy can always be re-configured to swap to a new region. Future enhancements will provide intuitive and quick multi-region swapping support.


The OKTA Application Embed link. See Configuring OKTA


Figgy supports two different multi-factor authentication types with OKTA integrations.

  • GOOGLE - Google Authenticator (Recommended) Android IOS
    • Okta Verify
    • SMS Push

Existing testing for OKTA Verify / SMS Push MFA type has been limited. Please consider partnering and helping us improve this experience!



Google Identity Provider Id is a unique ID associated with your Google Account. When Google SSO was originally configured for your installation you found this ID here


The Google Service Provider Id is linked to your unique SAML application install in your Google Admin Console account. If you delete and re-install your SAML application your Service Provider Id will change. Find it here



The profile property must map to a profile configured in your ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files that is linked to the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key associated with your provisioned Bastion account user.

Bastion configurations read these credentials and use them to generate temporary sessions into other Figgy integrated AWS accounts.