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Figgy Concepts:#

Application config management is best managed through hierarchies of key-value pairs stored in a configuration tree. AWS ParameterStore is a simple, security-focused K/V store that natively supports managing access to hierarchies of configurations through IAM policies. Figgy is a suite of tools built on top of AWS ParameterStore that adds additional functionality without affecting the great AWS native integrations that ParameterStore offers.

In the Figgy documentation you may see the following nomenclature when referencing configurations and configuration hierarchies.

Fig Orchard#

All configurations under all figgy-managed namespaces.

    - /app/*
    - /shared/*
    - /dba/*
    - /devops/*
    - /sre/*

Fig Tree#

A hierarchy of configs under a high-level figgy-managed namespace.

    - /app/*


A hierarchy of configs under a Fig Tree that is owned by a single service

    - /app/hello-world/*

Recommendation: Write your service IAM policies to ONLY access the twig namespace


A single configuration stored /under/a/named/path and on a Twig

    - /app/hello-world/log-level

These namespaces are all examples. You can name your Figs / Twigs / Trees, and Orchards however you like!

So for these configurations:


You'd have a Fig Orchard like this (devops & shared trees shown for clarity but figs omitted)

     |                                             ⬇(FIGS)⬇